Credit Facility Related Charges:


Nature of service

Service Charges


Credit Facility Processing Fees (i) Term Loans Fresh Sanctions
(ii) Cash Credit / Overdraft Facility
(iii) Fresh Sanction / Renewal Fund Based Adhoc Credit facility
(iv) Loans / Overdrafts against FDRS of the Bank

(i) 1.00% of fund based sanctioned credit facility + Applicable Taxes
(ii) 0.75% of fund-based credit facility or Rs.1.00 Lakhs, whichever is less + Applicable Taxes
(iii) 0.50% of the Adhoc Credit Facility + Applicable Taxes for a period of 90 Days.
(iv) No Processing Fee


Inspection / Unit Visit Charges
(i) Credit facilities upto Rs.5.00 Lakhs
(ii) Credit facilities more than Rs.5.00 Lakhs

(i) Rs.500/- + GST per inspection
(ii) Rs.1000/- + GST per inspection (Maximum up-to two inspections per annum).
Local Conveyance will be borne by the Bank, whereas outstation Travelling Expenses will be charges to the borrower on actual basis.


Bank Guarantee commission

1% PA + GST on the portion secured by Cash Margin &
4% PA + GST on the portion secured by way of equitable mortgage on approved property.
(Minimum commission will be charged for one year. Broken months will be treated as full year for the purpose of recovery of commission)