Jamia Cooperative Bank
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Mobile Banking Application Form

Application for:

I/We request you to arrange to provide/remove above facility of Mobile Banking as per details below:

please provide the Name/s of Account holders, in case of Joint Account with Operating instructions "Either or Survivor"


  • I/We confirm that I/We have read the "TERMS & CONDITIONS" governing the mobile Banking Service printed on the reverse of the application form for Mobile Banking Service and I/We unconditionally accept the same in full.
  • I/We agree to download the Mobile Banking Application software through App Store, Play Store or as directed by the Bank through SMS or through any other mode.
  • IWe shall not share the Login password and/or MPIN, Security Code, OTP etc. with anyone and it is my/our responsibility to keep the same secret.
  • I/We shall not store the Login password and/or MPIN in any form on the mobile handset. The complete security of above password is my/our responsibility.
  • I/We am/are aware that I/we am/are required to subscribe to SMS or GPRS or 3G/4G services for availing the Mobile Banking Services. I/We shall be liable to pay charges to the Service Provider
  • In case of change in mobile number, I will uninstall / remove the mobile banking application installed in my mobile, for maintaining the confidentiality and secrecy.
  • In case of lost/theft of my mobile / SIM, I will immediately inform the Bank to cease/suspend the mobile banking facility.
  • I/We hereby authorise you to debit my four account towards any amount/charges due to the Bank/Service Provider.


No. Type of Account Constitution Mode of Operation Eligibility
1 SB Account Single Single Account holder is eligible
2 SB Account Joint E or S As per choice of all account holders.
Application/mandate to be signed jointly
3 SB Account Joint Jointly NOT eligible
4 SB Account Minor Single Minor above the age of 15 eligible
5 Current Account In the name of SELF Single Single Account holder is eligible
6 Current Account In the name of Firm & Single (Proprietorship) Single Account holder is eligible
7 Current Account Partnership Firm Any one Partner Anyone of the partners authorized to operate.
All account holders/partners will sign the application/mandate.
8 Current Account Partnership Firm Jointly Operated NOT eligible
9 OD A/c Single Single The Account holder is eligible
10 OD A/c In the name of Firm Single The Account holder is eligible

Terms & Conditions

1. Transactions initiated through Mobile Banking application are irrevocable. Bank shall not entertain any request for revocation of transaction or stop payment request for transactions initiated through Mobile Banking. Therefore, customer should take sufficient care while making a request for the transaction from his/her mobile. Customer shall be solely responsible for accuracy and authenticity of the request made by him/her.

2. Customers shall not use Mobile Banking channel for transfer of funds for illegal activities.

3. Customers shall be responsible for the safe custody and security of the Mobile Banking application downloaded on their mobile phones. To avoid unauthorized usage customer should immediately inform Bank for disabling of Mobile Banking services in case of loss or theft of mobile phone.

4. Customers should NOT share their application passwords and/or MPIN with anyone including Bank's staff / associate /representative or even if in response to any emails or SMS or any Phone calls from anyone.

5. Customers shall abide by the limits imposed by Bank on maximum number of transactions and maximum amount permitted through Mobile Banking. Bank reserves the right to change the number of transactions and amount at any time without prior notice.

5. Customers shall abide by the limits imposed by Bank on maximum number of transactions and maximum amount permitted through Mobile Banking. Bank reserves the right to change the number of transactions and amount at any time without prior notce.

6. Bank shall not be responsible for any loss to customers arising out of usage of Mobile Banking.

7. Bank shall be at liberty to affect any change/modify/add/remove in Term and Conditions from time to time without prior notice.

8. In case of jinking Joint Bank Accounts for Mobile Banking. a letter of Mandate to be signed by all the Joint Bank Account Holders attached with the application form.

9. Mobile Banking Services may be suspended for any maintenance/repair/update work, any emergency or security reasons without prior notice and the Bank shall not be liable for denial of any Mobile Banking Services.

10. For termination of Mobile Banking Services, the customer shall contact the Home Branch and submit De-registration Application Form signed by all account holders.

Letter of Mandate for Joint / Eithor or Survivor Accounts

1. I/We hereby agree the terms and conditions specified b the Bank for JCB Mobile Banking Services.

2. l/We authorize the account holder Mr/Ms/Mrs.

to the Bank for operating the above mentioned account(s) through JCB Mobile Banking Services offered by Jamia Co-operative Bank Ltd. New delhi.

3. l/We undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatever Mr/Ms/Mrs.

does of cause to do through JCB Mobile Banking Services offered by Jamia Co-operative Bank Ltd. New delhi.

4. This authority shall be continue to be in force, until I/ any one of us revoke this mandate by a notice / application in writing delivered to Branch.


It is the Customers to ensure that the Bank's mobile banking application is compatible with his/her phone/handset. For whatever damage or loss. if any. incurred by the Customer due to downloading of the Bank's Mobile Banking software in his/her mobile phone. he/she shall solely responsible. Further. the Customer shall be solely responsible/liable in keeping his/her application password and/or MPIN confidential to prevent unauthorized access/use of his/her mobile banking facility by any third party. For any payment effected by the Bank to a beneficiary based on the information received by the Bank from the Customers mobile number registered in the bank's record for mobile banking facility, the Customer shall be solely responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss. claim. liability as the case may be or incidental thereto.