Basic Services Charges


Nature of service

Service Charges


Issuance of cheque book-S/B account

2 Cheque Books of 20 Leaves FREE per Financial Year, thereafter Rs.100/- + Taxes per Cheque Book of 20 Leaves.


Issuance of cheque book - CA/CC / OD account

Rs. 150/- + GST per cheque book of 50 leaves


Issuance of duplicate Pass Book- S/B account

Rs. 100/- + GST


Issuance of duplicate copy of statement of accounts-CA/CC/OD

Rs. 25/- per page + GST


Stop Payment Notice-S/B --CA/ CC/OD

Rs. 50/- per cheque (Max. Rs. 500/-) + GST


Closure of account-S/B -C/A

(i) Rs.100/- + GST (if A/c is closed within 90 days from the date of opening without having any transactions except initial cash deposit for opening of A/c.)
(ii) Rs.250/- + GST (if A/c is closed within a year from the date of opening after having transactions in the A/c.)
(iii) Rs.50/- + GST (if A/c is closed after a year from the date of opening after having transactions in the A/c.)

(iv) Rs. NIL/- + GST (if A/c is closed after three years from the date of opening after having satisfactory transactions in the A/c.)

(v) Rs. 250/- + GST (if A/c is inoperative for more than 2 years and the account holder is not maintaining minimum balance in the account continuously for the preceding four quarters despite written communication from the Bank to maintain minimum balance to avoid closure of account by the Bank.)


Folio charges CA/CC/OD

Rs. 1.50/- per transaction + GST


Charge for not maintaining minimum balance : -S/B -C/A

Rs.50/- + GST p.m. Rs.100/- + GST p.m.


Inward Cheque / ECS Return Charges (issued by our customer & returned unpaid by us)
(i) Cheque Amount up-to Rs.500000/-
(ii) More than Rs.500000/

(i) Rs. 250/- per instrument + GST
(i) Rs. 500/- per instrument + GST
The above charges will also apply on Transfer Cheques. However, if the cheque is returned due to technical reasons of the Bank e.g. CBS not working / connectivity issue, no charges will be recovered by the Bank


Outward Cheque Return Charges (issued by other customer in favor of our customer & returned unpaid by their Bank)

Rs. 150/- per instrument + GST.
The above charges will also apply on Transfer Cheques. However, if the cheque is returned due to technical reasons of the Bank e.g. CBS not working / connectivity issue, no charges will be recovered by the Bank.


Outward ECS debit return charges (ECS mandate given by our customers drawn on other Banks, return unpaid due to any reasons except technical reasons) (i) ECS Amount up-to Rs.500000/-
(ii) More than Rs.500000/-

(i) Rs.250/- + GST
(ii) Rs.500/- + GST
These Charges will also apply on returning of ECS given for repayment of Term Loan EMIs


Signature verification charges

Rs.100/- + GST


SMS alert Service



Account Maintenance Charges (per nnum)

Saving : Rs. 100/ + GST.
Current : Rs. 200/- + GST


Outstation / local bill & cheque dishonor charges


Rs. 250/- + GST for outstation and
Rs.100/- + GST for local.


IBC Return Charges

Rs. 250/- + GST for local and outstation charges.